Sunday, August 26, 2012

Pintip: Sweet Aroma

Do you ever have those moments where no matter how clean your house is you still feel like it doesn't smell great? I've been having one of those moments... All weekend. It's been driving me crazy! So I decided to try a Pin that I saw, on Pinterest of course.

It's working great! My home is already smelling so good.

All you need is:

  • Fresh Rosemary ( a few sprigs)
  • 1 Lemon 
  • 2 tbs Vanilla Extract


Fill a pot 2/3 of the way with water. 
Cut and add the lemon.
Next add the rosemary, and vanilla extract. 
I gave it a quick stir just for good measure. 
Let simmer.

If you want to let it simmer all day just add more water and lemon as needed. 

Enjoy the sweet aroma that will fill your home!
