Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Five Months

As you can see in the photo, Norah loves grabbing her feet. She's brought them to her mouth a few times as well.

My little one has mastered pivoting while she's on her stomach. I love watching her reach all these little milestones, but it's happening just a little too fast for my taste. She has also been scooting quite a bit, I have a feeling she'll be getting into everything once she begins crawling.

I introduced oatmeal to her this month. The first few times she ate it, she couldn't get enough. She was grabbing at my hands to get more, apparently I couldn't feed her fast enough. But, after eating the cereal a few times she apparently changed her mind. After giving her a bite one night, she gave me a look as if I betrayed her. I initially thought she was just caught off guard because it was cold, but she still did not want any after I warmed it up. I didn't push it, just offered it to her once more a couple days later; but she still didn't care for it.

One of her favorite things is to watch and listen to Tim and I whistling, and then attempt to do so herself. She's able to purse her lips together the way they need to be, but she'll either just blow air, or actually make an "ooh" noise. It's really quite adorable, in my opinion.

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Four Months

I've got quite a bit of catching up to do! My fieldwork took up so much of my time that I literally had no time to edit my photos, let alone write a blog post. Luckily, I was able to find 5 minutes to take her photo, and I made sure to at least write quick notes in my phone on how she was progressing. So, here's a quick blurb on where she was at 4 months. 

Weight: 12 lbs 7 oz (13th percentile)
Length: 25 1/4 (76th percentile)

Norah's four month old check up went great. The nurse gave me a look as if she didn't believe me when I said Norah began rolling back to front, and vice versa, since a few days after she turned 3 months. But after stepping back and watching my little one, she could see that I was being honest and not exaggerating, based on how well Norah was rolling. 

She really enjoys attempting to imitate noises that we make, especially raspberries. Although she gets a big grin on her face after attempting to blow a raspberry, she's not really succeeding. She's more so just making a gurgling sound, it's quite cute. 

A few days after turning 4 months we decided to put her in her crib, as she was waking quite a bit throughout the night. The transition went very smoothly, and she did begin sleeping better. She still wakes a few times during the night to eat (luckily I have an awesome husband who will get up and bring her to me), but she's still sleeping much better. 

We finally got a few laughs out of her this month, though we have to work very hard for it to happen. 

All in all, it was a great month!

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