Saturday, March 28, 2015

25 Weeks

By the feel of things baby girl has had a growth spurt this week! Her movements are even more noticeable, even the smallest ones. For the most part I feel her the most when I'm sitting or laying down, but I've begun to feel her movements a when I'm standing, as well.  This week Tim was able to see her movements for the first time, he was pretty happy about it as he's been trying for a few weeks now. I'm really beginning to feel the time crunch, especially with how much of a planner I am! There's so much left to do to prepare! Things have been really busy so we haven't been able to work on getting the nursery ready. One thing that's helping me to calm down is the fact that Tim and I have begun discussing our birth plan, and what we envision the labor and delivery to be. He's surprised me a bit about what he's pictured, and I couldn't be happier with what he's said!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

24 Weeks

I'm a couple weeks behind in this series on account of throwing my back out, and then busying myself with cleaning & organizing. So here's my update on whats been going on the past few weeks.. 

Tim's parents took us shopping at Babies R Us and bought our little cricket's crib & dresser. It is such a huge blessing! We had both pieces of furniture delivered to the house but unfortunately the dresser was damaged. Thankfully, the store is going to exchange it for a new one (as they should!). 

Not only has Norah's nursery been started, her library has been as well! My mom and sister have both given us books, including the one seen in the photo. I plan on reading to my little cricket a lot once she's here, so it's a good thing her library has already been started. 

This past week was marked by the inability to button any of my pants! I've been making a lot of use out of the bella bands my best friend Crystal gave to me. I have to say, I love my growing belly! 
Baby Norah has also started moving even more than what she was! She's also grown enough that I can see my belly moving in relation to her kicking and tumbling. Naturally, she moves the most at night when I'm trying to sleep. 

Lastly, this past weekend my husband Tim and I went to Lowe's to pick out a few paint colors to consider. Once we got home we sat in what will be the nursery, and narrowed the samples. By the end of the day we were decided on which color we will be using! I can't wait to get the nursery painted!

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Sunday, March 1, 2015

21 Weeks

I'm almost a week late in posting this but what can I say, It's been a busy week! Our little cricket has been kicking up a storm! I was even able to see her little kicks the other day while sitting in class. I had my 21 week appointment with my midwife, I was so happy with what she had to say. She told me that the results from the anatomy scan are perfect, Norah is as healthy as can be. It was such a relief to hear her say those words. Norah is measuring in the 60th percentile, the midwife said that is perfect for her. She also stated that she's happy with the amount I've gained, I haven't gained too much, or too little. I just hope I can keep it that way! Before ending the appointment my midwife wanted to hear our little one's heartbeat, Norah sure made it difficult. She was moving around like crazy, it was fun to hear all the twisting & turning she was doing. 

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