Monday, September 14, 2015

Two Months

Weight: 9 lbs 11 oz (10%)
Length: 23" (75%)

I can't believe she's hit the two month mark. I wish I could slow down her growth, I try to get in as many cuddles as possible, but I still feel like she's just growing too fast! This month I had to put away some of her newborn clothes, but she still fits in some so that helped me hold tears back. Although she is very long, she is very lean. It makes choosing a diaper size for her very difficult. 
This month I began my fieldwork so, I am away from her for part of the day. It's definitely hard to be away, but it helps that I am working so close to home. Most days I am able to come home at lunch to see her for a few minutes. We also found a nanny that I feel mostly comfortable with, no matter who we have watch her I'll never feel 100% comfortable without being the one watching her. Haha. 

This month she has really started smiling, it warms my heart so much. I often become teary eyed just seeing her smile at me. She isn't "talking" too much yet, but we do get some happy sounds here and there. 

Her favorite book is "Llama Llama Red Pajama." She loves music, and her favorite song is "Stay Awake" by Julie Andrews, about 90% of the time I can get her to stop crying as soon as I play the song. 

She also loves baths, as long as the water is warm enough. I'm not surprised as she always started moving around in my womb whenever I took a bath, while I was pregnant with her. 

Tummy Time, she isn't a fan of it. But we sit her up a lot to talk to her, so she's been able to work her neck muscles really well. Her doctor stated that she's doing really well with holding her head up. 
The Dr. also stated "She's perfect." When Tim told me she said that (I couldn't make it to the appointment) he added, "Why do we pay these people to tell us what we already know?" That made me chuckle.

Her big brother is always close by, watching over. 

Well, baby is crying for me, so it's time for me to go. ;-)

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