Monday, August 25, 2014

Two Pink Lines: Finding out I'm going to be a Mommy.

What a nerve wracking, exciting month its been! This post is going to be about finding out I'm going to be a MOMMY!

I woke up at about 4:00 AM on August 20th and had to use the bathroom SO bad. I knew I wanted to take a test that day though so I wanted to wait to go until a little bit closer to the time I was supposed to wake up. Finally after two hours of laying in bed, both trying to ignore the fact I needed to pee so bad and wondering if this was the day I'd find out I'm going to be a mommy, I decided to get up and take the pregnancy test.
I was trying to make sure I didn't get my hopes up too much since I was testing so many days early.

So I did my thing and laid the test on the back of the toilet seat and sat staring at it...
Then.. Is that a line? It's so faint... I think it's a line. It's gotta be. Am I imagining it? Just hoping to much? THATS DEFINITELY A LINE. It's faint but it's there!!! Maybe I should google just in case.. Maybe I'm mistaken and it might show up a little just from the liquid...

So I climb back into bed and ducking under the covers so the light of my phone doesn't wake my husband I begin to search. I look at boards that other pregnant woman have posted on, look at photos that woman have posted of barely there lines to compare. After all the assertions I read and saw, I finally knew it to be true. That faint pink line was there. I had two pink lines. I am going to be a mommy.

I was going to put the stick by my husbands phone for him to see, when he woke up. But I knew he probably wouldn't really realize the second line was there so I decided to wait until he woke up, to tell him.

So I hop in the shower to begin getting ready for school. When I finished and came out of the bathroom I saw that my hubby must be up because he wasn't in bed anymore. I walk to the kitchen doorway, he has his back turned to me and I greet him which he reciprocates. He then asks "So what do we know?" I replied "You're going to be a daddy!" His head whipped around so fast (it was really cute and funny) and he said "Really?!"
I replied "Yep! The line is faint but it's there."
He of course wanted to see the results, it took some convincing that the line wouldn't be there at all if I wasn't. In the end he trusted me.

So I finish getting getting ready for school and as I begin my hour and fifteen drive I call my BFF Crystal to tell her the news....
"Nope! I'm pregnant!"

I had two tests remaining so I took them the next couple days just so I could see the line darken and make myself feel a little better (I was still a little nervous I was wrong lol) and on friday the second pink line showed up so quickly, and darker, that I had no doubt (as if the fatigue I was already experiencing shouldn't have been a clue)

We finished telling family and close friends the news early Sunday afternoon, not until then did we post to Facebook (I hate when people post big news like that on Facebook and have family find out that way, I just think it's really rude and inconsiderate).

We're so excited to begin this new journey in our lives!!

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

(A Small) Year in Review 2013

I must get better at this blogging thing. I always say I'm going to be better about it and then I just seem to get so busy, and I end up not making time for it. Maybe I'll be better this year, who knows.
2013 held a few changes in the McAra family.

My husband, Tim, was promoted again. He's climbing the ladder so quickly, I couldn't be more proud of him. The promotion however, required that we move back to Michigan. We had been living in Atlanta just long enough to have developed some new friendships, and get comfortable. So although we were looking forward to being closer to family & close friends, we were also sad to leave a place we had fallen in love with; especially since we found a church that we absolutely loved. So, at the end of February we made the long drive to Mi, a trip I don't think our pup Jet didn't enjoy too much though he was a good trooper.

I was set to begin the OTA program at the school I was attending in fall 2011. But because my husband and I were going to be married, and have to live in Atlanta, I obviously had to drop out of the program. When we found out that we would be moving back to Michigan I contacted the director of the program to see about getting back in. Although I could enter the program again I would have to be put on the waiting list again, I couldn't just pick up right where I left off. She put me on the waiting list and I was set to start in fall 2014. However, the director called me in May (2013) to tell me there was enough space for me to enter the program that fall. I was ecstatic to say the very least. After talking it over with my husband we decided it would be best for me to not work, and just focus solely on school. It was one of the best decisions I've ever made. The first semester was definitely tough, specifically one specific class which was Kinesiology. I was 1 of just a few people that passed the class.
I am now in my second semester of the program. I think I will enjoy this semester more (even though I will be extremely busy again) because I will be learning more about how to perform the actual job.
I am also set to begin my first round of fieldwork next week. This round will consist of pediatrics (which I love!), and it will only be once a week for about 6-7 weeks. I'm hoping to get a lot of hands on work, though I know it will be limited since I'm not too far into the program yet.

So those are the two big changes that happened in my life in 2013. I can't wait to see what this year brings!

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