Monday, April 27, 2015

29 Weeks

It's crazy how in just one week, Norah's kicks have become even more powerful. There were quite a few times this week that she woke me up in the middle of the night, gasping in pain. She's really good at catching me off guard too. There has been a few times where she has moved or kicked so suddenly that it makes me jump! She also enjoys attempting to see how far up into my ribs she can get her feet. 

Tim finished painting the nursery this past week, and I'm so happy with the result! He also assembled Norah's crib. There is still A LOT to do, but having those two things completed makes me feel much better prepared. I'm looking forward to finishing this school semester, so I can start doing all the things I want to get done. 

This week I also picked up infant and children's clothing from my mom, that I wore when I was young. I'm really excited because one of the dresses that I picked up was a favorite of mine that my grandmother made. I think it's so awesome that Norah will be wearing outfits from my infancy and childhood that my grandmother had made. 

Thanks for reading!
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Sunday, April 19, 2015

28 Weeks

These weeks seem to be going by faster and faster! This week I had an appointment with my midwife. She explained to me how Norah is positioned, confirming my suspicions. Our little girl is in a head down & anterior position. Perfect position for the natural birth I'd like to have! I was very happy when my midwife stated that it's likely Norah will stay in this position. Norah has been enjoying having her feet in my ribs, I'm often pushing her feet down just relieve some of the pain & pressure. As uncomfortable as it is, I'm so grateful for each and every kick & jab.
I also had to take the glucose screening test this week. It didn't taste as bad as everyone made it out to be. I thought it tasted similar to a melted orange popsicle. I did have a little bit of trouble with the last quarter of it. Unfortunately I didn't pass, so now I have to go back for the three hour test. I'm really praying hard that I pass the next test, I want my little cricket to be as healthy as can be! 

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Monday, April 13, 2015

27 Weeks: Third Trimester!

I missed week 26 on a count of working 11 hr days for fieldwork, so here we are at 27 weeks! I'm officially in the third trimester and I cannot believe it, my pregnancy is going by so quickly! Quite a few changes have happened in the past couple weeks. My brain seems to have lost even more of its functional ability. It has led me to say and do things that make no sense. I almost got into a car that was not my own, much to Tim's amusement. One day I referred to the linen closet as "the towel room," again to my husband's amusement (and confusion).

Whether it was her first time, or just my first time feeling them, Norah has begun having hiccups. Although she still prefers to spend time on my left side, Norah is taking more and more advantage of the other room available. I've begun to feel her kicks much higher now, quite close to my rib cage. Occasionally, she enjoys keeping a foot up there.

Tim has began painting the nursery, he's almost finished but there is still a little more to do. I can't wait until he's finished painting so we can set up the crib. I'm really feeling the time crunch now that I only have 13 weeks left! I've begun nesting a bit here and there as well. I've gotten our bedroom cleaned and organized. There's of course a lot more I want to do, I've just been too busy to get anything done!

Finally, rolling over in bed is becoming more and more difficult. I think Tim is getting a little sick of the amount of movement, accompanied by grunts, that has been required for me to get comfortable.

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