Monday, March 14, 2016

Seven Months

Seven Months. She's closer to being a year old than being born. As much as I love watching her develop and achieve goals, a little part of me is always sad just because its happening so fast. 

She's tried lots of different food now! So far her favorite is carrots. She'll even eat peas as long as we mix some carrots in. As you can see in the photo, she has two teeth that have come in! The first popped through around 6 1/2 months, the second was only a week or two after that. 

As far as crawling goes, she's thisclose! She's been bringing one knee forward but collapses as she tries to figure out the next step. I have a feeling she'll get the knack of it really soon! She's also sitting up completely on her own now, no more prop sitting! Since she is sitting on her own, I decided to take out the young infant seat of her tub, and allow her to try sitting up in the bigger part. 
The whole time she was in the tub she kept moving her leg in and out, it was pretty cute. She also held onto the edge of the tub with one hand the entire time, which is fine with me, makes me a little less nervous. Haha. 

The day she turned 7 months, she said "Mama," filling my heart with so much joy. Since then, to my disappointment, she has not said it. She does, however, enjoy saying "Bob" over and over. 

 photo Signature.jpg

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