Saturday, October 10, 2015

Three Months

Our little one is now three months old. Every night she seems to fit a little bit less in her co sleeper. She's so long that I'm worried she'll have to move to her crib before we're both ready. Even though she's so long, she's still quite lean. Three month pants are still a little big on her, and she still fits into a couple newborn outfits. Size one diapers finally fit which I'm so thankful for, she was in between newborn and size one for awhile; it made for quite a few messes we had to clean up.

She has begun "talking" so much more now, though we are still waiting for a laugh! The smiles have gotten bigger. I always get a really big smile when I try to use a really deep voice, she must find it quite silly. She loves to suck on her fist, as well as her pointer finger, and it is always the right hand.
Watching people click there tongue is also one of her favorite things. I can see her trying to figure out how to do it. A lot of times she will also try to mimic sticking her tongue out, if she sees you doing it.

Laying on her playmat has also become a favorite activity for her. It's nice for me because it often gives me a minute to get something done if I need to.
She still does not enjoy being on her stomach too much, but she is content for a little bit longer than she used to be.
On Sunday, September 13th, she rolled from her tummy to her back for the first time! It's funny how happy and proud I feel when she makes these small accomplishments.

This past month we've begun sleep training with her. As many times as I've done it with other babies, it is so much harder to do when it's my own. One minute feels like ten! She's doing really well though, she usually falls asleep by the 15 minute mark. Luckily at night she's always laid quietly and gone right to sleep. We're still working on sleeping through the night, she's usually up at least three times.

That's all for now!

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