Thursday, February 19, 2015

1st Trimester: 5 Unexpected Symptoms

I've always been a planner. Even years before my husband and I decided to begin trying for a baby, I would read and pin information about pregnancy, birth, etc. Of course there was always the same 2 symptoms that would come up when reading about the 1st trimester, and you can probably guess what they are... Fatigue, and "morning" sickness. With as much reading as I had done, I was surprised by five constant symptoms I was (and still am) experiencing. 

1. Let's make a candle...

With all the earwax I've produced! I feel like I  almost constantly had a Q-tip in my ears. I began leaving a couple on my nightstand at night because I knew it was inevitable that I would wake up in the middle of the night with an ear itching so badly from wax build up. Gross, but true.

2. Is Darth Vader in the room?

I've always been annoyed by loud breathers, but now I think I'll have a bit more sympathy for them. I feel like I'm the loudest breather in the world now. To make matters worse, I now get out of breath SO easily. Walking quickly while carrying on a conversation at the same time? Forget it. Even just walking quickly back and forth from one room to another I'm left breathless, gasping for air as if I just ran 3 miles.

3. My husband's personal oven.

The amount of heat I began producing (even at just 5 weeks) was-and is- insane. This also leaves me feeling hot almost all the time. If it's thirty degrees out, you'll see me wearing only a light hoodie with jeans, no coat or hat. I finally felt a little cold when it was 1˚ outside. My husband has always enjoyed putting his ice cold hands and feet on me when we're in bed to warm himself up, but until now it was never welcomed. Now if his hands are cold ill actually put them on my face. There was actually a time I was standing next to a friend's six year old and she commented on the amount of heat she felt coming off me. Haha.
I've always heard about women dealing with this feeling in the third semester, so I was really surprised to be experiencing it so soon.

4. "Swallow your spit."

When I was a child this was a common phrase my father would say when I would complain of thirst. I have to say, I'm surprised I'm not able to stay hydrated from all the saliva I now produce.

5. Stocking up on tissue.

I became so congested after becoming pregnant that you would have thought I had a cold. It felt like I was constantly reaching for a tissue. I kept my hubby up a couple nights just because I had to keep blowing my nose. It was especially annoying to deal with this when I had really bad morning sickness.

What unexpected symptoms did you experience?

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