(All rights reserved by Relish Studios)
See that adorable little girl right there? She was my flower girl at my wedding. When I first began my wedding planning and deciding on who I wanted to have in my wedding I didn't have to think about who would be my flower girl. I already knew and had known even before I became engaged. It would be Alex.
When I was 18 I began working at a Montessori school. Alex was just a toddler of two and was one of the main children I cared for. It was an amazing experience watching her grow up. You're not supposed to have favorites when caring for kids but... I couldn't help it. She was a favorite from the beginning. She had such a big heart, was kind to everyone around her, looked after others (well tried to, being 2-4 it can be quite difficult), could always make you laugh, she just had a big outgoing personality.
When she was three she said four words that made my heart melt, it was one of those reminders of why I cared for children. She said, "You're my best friend." And so from then on we were "Best Friends." Even when I had to have her take a time out she would tell me afterwards "It's okay, we're still best friends."
There was another time when she had woken up early from nap so I went to sit beside her to talk (this happened quite often). I had a pretty bad head ache at the time and she could tell something was bothering me. So she asked me, "What's wrong?" After telling her she said "I'll pray for you." And she did, right then and there. See what I mean about a big heart and caring about others?
When it was time for her to move on to the "big kid class" it was hard for me. I didn't want to give her up, I loved her as if she was my own. But at least I would still get to see her everyday. She still always had a hug for me everyday and we were still Best Friends.
So if it isn't obvious already the reason I chose her was she was one of the first children I began caring for at such a young age, and cared about her as if she were my own, she had the perfect personality, and of course she is so cute! I had no doubt in my mind she would do an amazing job and so she did...

Thank You Alex for being the perfect Flower Girl! You made the day even more special! I miss you! xoxoxo